Sunday, November 6, 2016

Just Like Peanut Butter and Jelly

        Today, I am going to talk about the book that I am currently reading, Of Mice And Men, by John Steinbeck. Now, in this book, George and Lennie are going to stick together through everything, like Minnie and Mickey, the mac to the cheese, the peanut butter to the jelly. George is short, but a strong leader that can make anyone listen to his orders, almost just by his intimidation. However, the total opposite, Lennie is a big tall guy that "just ain't that bright. But he can do anything you tell him" (Steinbeck 22), explained by George. Now, George tells Lennie what to do everyday and bosses him around until he does it right, kind of like what an older brother would do to the younger brother. Picture this: 
     You and your older brother are outside playing catch. Now, you are both having a great time when suddenly, when your brother throws you the ball, you accidentally miss it. It rolls in the street and your brother tells you to go get it. So, you start to walk out into the road. "Run!" he says to you. You start to run just when a car comes by, but get to the other side before the car comes close to you. "Go faster, you are going to get yourself killed, you are such an idiot!" You just listen to him and you do not want to say anything because he would yell at you again.
     Now, this is what Lennie feels like every. single. day. When George tells him what to do, and when he doesn't do it right, the yelling goes on and on, just like the siren on an ambulance. Although, at the end of the day, the older brother still loves the younger and they still cannot live without one another. As the story progresses, George and Lennie will be known as the friends who will stick together like peanut butter and jelly... with a little tough love.

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