Saturday, November 12, 2016

Just Like A Life Without Flavor

     Today's blog post is going to be about the end of Of Mice And Men, by John Steinbeck. Now, this was not an ideal ending for most people, including me. Basically, you felt like it was not right, it shouldn't have happened, it is not fair. 
     Towards the end of the book, Lennie has a conversation with Curley's wife. This was the conversation that makes the ending what it turns out to be, and let me tell you, it is not good. Back to where I was, Curley's wife approaches Lennie. When she notices that Lennie is trying to avoid her, she starts to wonder why. She asks, why are you trying to avoid me? What did I ever do to you? As you can tell by what she was saying, she seems lonely, frustrated, and unhappy. She asks Lennie about this and he says that he is avoiding her because George told him to. 
     At this point, she now starts to talk about herself. She talks about how, in the past, she could've done all these things with her life, like act, be famous, have a successful career, even successful life! As she goes on and on bragging about how she could have been so great, she notices that Lennie isn't focused on her. He goes off talking about how George says that they are going to get to live on a farm, have a big house, have lots and lots of animals, and how he will get to tend the rabbits. She gets very angry because he is not listening to her, but is focused on something else.
      Later during the conversation, he tells her about his liking towards soft things, such as mice. As you can imagine, she thinks that he is crazy and it is weird that he likes to pet mice. However, when he says that he just likes the feel of soft things in general, then she thinks it is okay, because she does too. For example, her hair is very soft, so she tells him to touch it. So, he touches her hair and notices that it's very soft, which he likes. Then, he cannot take his hand off of it and she tells him to stop, but he doesn't. Then she starts to yell, screaming louder then a child that doesn't get her way. He starts to get angry at her, while she is mad at him and he puts his big hand over her mouth, telling her to be quiet, not realizing that while he's doing this, she cannot breathe very good at all, resulting in her struggling for her life. He ends up breaking her neck and killing her, which isn't even the worse part of the ending. 
     After this, as you could probably guess, Curley finds out and he then wants to kill Lennie. He runs to the safe hiding place that George told him to go in the beginning of the story if he is in trouble. Sure enough, George comes to find him there. Lennie is happy to see George, but also afraid as to what he will do to him. Although, George is not mad, he seems very calm when he tells him about their new life they will start together and how it will be ok. As George is saying this to Lennie, Lennie gets very excited and has a smile on his face. Just as George is satisfied with how Lennie is and how he put him in a happy mood, he raises his gun, as his hand is trembling, "he pulled the trigger" (Steinbeck 106).
      He did this for his own good, George loved Lennie like his little brother, but at that moment it was like he had just taken all of the flavor out of his life. This means that when there is no flavor, the food is bland, it is not good anymore, it is not tasty, it is like there is something missing from the food. That is exactly what George is feeling, all of the flavor has just been taken out of his life and it will never be the same again.

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