Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Just Like an Apple and a Banana

     I will be talking about the new book that I am reading called, "Ellen Foster," by Kaye Gibbons. So far, we have been introduced to the main character who is telling the story, Ellen Foster. She is a ten year old girl who is struggling through life with no parents, they both died when she was young and now will never have a true family. Throughout the book, she will have a "ten year old language", meaning it is unlike most books. She does not use a big vocabulary, there is unsophisticated language, and some grammar fragments might not be correct. That is ok because, like I said, she is only ten years old. Her relationship with her dad was not great... at all. She says in the first line in the book, "When I was little I would think of ways to kill my daddy" (Gibbons 1). Right from the start, you can obviously tell that something is wrong with their relationship, which is foreshadowing for the characters. When two people have a bad relationship with each other, it can definitely effect the rest of their life. When those people, like Ellen Foster and her dad have a very complicated relationship, plus lot of problems, it is as clear to see their relationship as it is to see the difference between an apple and a banana, it is very clear and can be seen from a mile away.


  1. I agree with you completely! Ellen and her father are really different and one can easily tell how contrasting the two are. But, honestly, could there be some similarities? I mean she did grow up with him as the only person to be around. I'm sure there is some characteristic that they share. I guess we'll just have to keep reading.

  2. I totally agree. Ellen obviously has a lot of problems with her father and will probably be plagued by these problems even after her father's death. But I disagree about Ellen never having a true family. I feel like she is much happier with her new family than she ever was with her old family.

  3. I agree with this post! When you talked about how different they are it made me wonder if Ellen did get some characteristics from her dad and if we will see them later in the story and if they will cause a problem!
